Robert B. Marks, Ph.D., Whittier College
November 1, 2019

Dr. Marks will highlight the urgent environmental challenges facing China and explore these issues – and others too – within the context of China’s very long-term history of relationships between people and nature. He will then present some lessons for how other nations can think about their own environmental challenges, in order to prepare for the way for the best possible policy responses.

Dr. Robert Marks is Professor of History and Environmental Studies at Whittier College. He is the author of several books and articles in Chinese and world environmental history, most notably Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt: Environment and Economy in South China (1998), The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Environmental Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century (3rd ed. 2015), and China: An Environmental History (2nd ed., 2017). He has an international reputation and has been invited to present papers at conferences in China, Hong Kong, Sweden, Norway, Japan, and the Netherlands. In 2017 was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association for East Asian Environmental History.

Supported in part by the City of Albuquerque